Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Squeezing in your workouts

I'll try to add more as time goes on, but this is a great way to stay fit.  Put some 3# weights in your bathroom, and every time you visit that room, wash your hands and pick up the weights and do 3 reps of 10 each (this can increase as you get stronger) upper body shoulder, abs, bicep/tricep excercises, and the same with lower body lunges, calves, butt, thigh excercises. Alternate upper body days with lower body days.  You will fit in an entire week of fitness in these small increments of time.  We all visit that room at least 4-5 times per day.

This works in an office too!  Get your friends on board, and you can post a sheet to show participation and progress.  Be sure to get your manager's permission.  Depends how you spin it.  Fit workers work better!!  Keeps the brain cells active!!

Stay tuned, and I'll post some really effective, quick excercises!


This one is my favorite.  Stand with feet apart (shoulder wide) on your toes and lean forward with your arms out and your hands braced on the wall, or a counter.  Now, squeeze your butt cheeks and push your pelvis as close to the wall or counter as you can, all the time squeezing hard and staying on those toes.  Count to 30, and rest.  Repeat at least once. 

This gets your entire leg and butt.  First time I did it, I had a hard time sitting, I was so sore!  Very effective.

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